Body Slim With Healthy Juice Recipes

Body Slim With Healthy Juice Recipes - Your body does not need a lot of things to be healthy. If you have a blender at home, you only need one electronic device to support your goals, be healthier and of course also slim. How to diet there are many, one of which is to apply the juice diet.

Based, make juice not only the origin of juice, you need to meet the four nutrients the body needs, namely protein, healthy fats, carbohydrates high in fiber and fluids. Surely you can get water naturally in fruit or vegetable that will you blender. But, of course, still be required in the form of liquid water or milk to be able to soften the fruit and vegetables.

You can also get protein from milk, both cow's milk or soy milk. You can also replace the milk with nuts. Strange as it may, but seeds can participate in a blender to make a thick or viscous texture filling the juice. As for healthy fats, you can get from avocado or other fruit. Carbohydrates and fiber are included in fruits and vegetables. This is one recipe that bus you create yourself.

4 tablespoons plain yogurt
5 strawberries
1 frozen banana, cut into pieces
2 teaspoons of peanut butter
half a glass of water
little ice cubes

You can directly membelender all materials with smooth with about 327 calories calories. Drinking in the morning or the afternoon heat. Good luck.